

  • 刘琨翔等编著 著
  • 出版社: 昆明市:云南科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:7541623873
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:357页
  • 文件大小:17MB
  • 文件页数:414页
  • 主题词:口腔科学-词汇


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二腹肌 digastric muscle1

儿童错颌畸形 children malocclusion1

人工牙 artificial teeth1


大气压力 atmospheric pressure2

大连接体 major connecter2

个别牙错位 malposition of individual tooth3

干髓术 mummification of pulp3

干槽症 dry socket3

口腔 oral cavity4

口窝 mouth pit4

口臭 kakostomia4

口疮 oral ulcer5

口干 thirst5

口角 mouth corner6

口腔腺 glands of mouth6

口蹄病 foot and mouth disease6

口角线 line of mouth corner7

口角炎 angular stomatitis7

口底癌 carcinoma of floor of mouth7

口周雀斑 circumoral freckle8

口腔白斑 oral leukoderma8

口腔结核 oral tuberculosis9

口轮匝肌 musculus orbiularis9

口腔梅毒 oral syphilis10

口腔黏膜病 oral membrane10

口腔念珠菌 oral candidiasis11

口底多间隙感染 mouth floor infection11

口腔黏膜色素沉着 pigmentation of mucous membrane of mouth12

口颌系统功能紊乱综合征 dysfunction of stomatognathic system syndrome13

口腔颌面外科 oral and maxillofacial surgery13

三叉神经 trigeminal nerve13

三叉神经痛 trigeminal neuralgiatic douloureux14

三角肌 deltoid muscle14

三臂卡环 three arms clasp14

三角头畸形 trigonocephaly14

三联别针簧矫治器 triple-tack appliance15

上项线 saperior nuchal line15

上颌突 maxillary process15

上颌骨 upper jaw15

上皮珠 epithelial pearl16

上腭硬区 hard palate16

上颌结节 maxillary tubercle16

上唇方肌 masculus quadratus labii superioris17

上颌颊系带 maxillary cheek frenulum17

上颌唇系带 maxillary lip frenulum17

上颌唇侧前庭 maxillary vestibule of side lip18

上下切齿肌 incisive muscle of inferiorlip18

上颌平面导板矫治器 maxillary appliance of planimetrie tube18

上颌斜面导板矫治器 maxillary stewback appliance19

下颌角 angle of jaw19

下颌骨 mandible20

下唇方肌 masculus quadratus labii inferioris21

下颌隆突 torus mandibularis21

下颌切迹 mandibular notch21

下颌骨侧位 mandible lateral position21

下颌舌骨嵴 mylohyoid ridges22

下牙槽神经 inferior alveolar nerve22

下颌舌骨肌 mylohyoid muscle22

下颌斜面导板矫治器 submaxill stewback appliance23

小口 osculum23

小头畸形 Microcephaly23

小连接体 minor connector24

弓丝 wire24


贝尔氏征 Bell's sign25

贝尔麻痹 Bell palsy25

不锈钢丝 stainess steel wire25

不可复位关节盘前移位 articular disc displacement26

分离剂 separater27

反? crossbite27

方丝 retangular wire28

方圆形牙弓 round alveolar arch28

方丝弓矫治器 edgewise appliance28

化学预防 chemoprevention29

化学粘结力 chemical cohesion29

巨口 meloschisis30

巨舌症 macroglossia30

巨细胞肉芽肿 giant cell granulorma30

巨大型牙骨质瘤 giant form cementoma31

开? open bite31

毛细血管瘤 capillary hemangioma32

内斜嵴 angledin crest32

内源性感染 endogenic infecton32

犬齿肌 musulus caninus33

切牙乳头 deutal papilla cut33

切牙结节异常 abnormal incisor teeth tubercle33

水平曲 horizontal loop34

水平错位 horizontal malposition34

水平、垂直错位 horizontal vertical malposition34

双臂卡环 two arms clasp34

双端固定桥 complete fixed bridge34

双颌前突 double gnathism35

双期矫治 biperiodical correction36

双层皮瓣 bilayer flap36

天疱疮 pemphigus36

无髓牙 marrowless teeth37

无菌创口 asepsis cut37

无颌及小颌 nonocclusion & micrognathia37

引流 drainage37

牙 teeth/dens38

牙冠 dental corona38

牙根 radix dentis39

牙颈 dental neck39

牙髓 dental pulp39

牙囊 dental sac39

牙胚 dental gram39

牙板 dental lamina39

牙蕾 tooth bud40

牙萌 odontosis40

牙瘤 odontoma40

牙弓 dental arch41

牙量 dental measurement41

牙垢 tartar42

牙石 gruma42

牙本质 dentin42

牙釉质 enamel42

牙骨质 cementum43

牙乳头 dental papilla43

牙髓炎 pulpitis43

牙龈癌 carcinoma of the gingiva44

牙再植 replantation of tooth44

牙移植 autotransplantation of tooth45

牙龈瘤 gingival tumour45

牙内陷 tooth invagination46

牙中牙 dens in dente47

牙错位 odontoloxia47

牙易位 odontoloxia47

牙龈病 sick gum47

牙釉珠 gingival abscess47

牙脱位 luxation of teeth48

牙折断 odontagma48

牙隐裂 odentoschim48

牙髓病 endodontia49

牙周袋 oral pocket49

牙震荡 odonterism49

牙周病 periodontosis49

牙槽嵴 alveolus ridge50

牙种植术 implantation of tooth50

牙周组织 periodontal tissue50

牙槽突裂 cleft alveolus51

牙龈囊肿 gingival cyst51

牙本质瘤 dentinoma52

牙颌畸形 malocclusion52

牙弓测量 measurement of alveolar arch52

牙列稀疏 sparse dental rank53

牙列拥挤 cluster of dental rank53

牙髓组织 endodontium tissue53

牙髓坏死 endodontium necrosis53

牙髓坏疽 endodentium thanatosis54

牙髓钙化 endodentium calcification54

牙髓塑化 endodentium plastising54

牙内吸收 internal absorption of tooth55

牙周变性 periodntal denaturation55

牙周萎缩 periodontal atrophy56

牙列缺损 denture defect56

牙齿固连 filling connection56

牙源性错? odontogenic patho-occlusion56

牙髓切断术 pulpotomy57

牙医用塑料 dental plastic57

牙龈按摩法 gingival massage57

牙龈成形术 gingival plasty58

牙龈切除术 gingival resection58

牙印模材料 odonto material58

牙源性感染 odontogenic infection59

牙本质深龋 deep dentin caries59

牙本质浅层龋 superficial dentin caries59

牙齿过敏症 violent teeth59

牙弓形态异常 abnormal alveolar arch60

牙龈纤维增生 gingival fibroplasia60

牙龈纤维瘤病 gingival fibromgoma60

牙源性粘液瘤 odontogenic myxoma61

牙源性腺样瘤 odontogenic adenomatoid tumor61

牙源性纤维瘤 odontogenic fibroma62

牙源性钙化囊肿 odontogenic calcifying cyst62

牙源性良性肿瘤 odontogenic benign tumors63

牙骨质化纤维瘤 cemento-ossifyima63

牙源性钙化上皮瘤 odontogenic calcifying epithelial tumor64

牙源性鳞状细胞瘤 squamous odontogenic tumor64

牙弓形态遗传型 morphogenetic pattern65

中线 median untral line65


艾迪生病 Addison disease66

艾滋病 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS66

白斑 leukoplakia67

白血病 leukemia67

白塞氏综合征 Behcet syndome68

白色念珠菌 candida albicans68

半固定桥 brokee-stress fixed bridge69

边缘封闭区 border seal area69

对半卡环 hombined clasp69

代用品植入 implantation70

功能调节器 functional regulator70

功能性印模 functional stamp71

功能性矫治器 functional appliance71

记忆合金 memory alloy72

甲状软骨 thyroid cartilage72

甲状腺上动脉 superior thyroid artery72

甲状舌管囊肿 thyro glossal tract cyst73

电子计算机体层成像 computed tomography74

卡环 clasp74

卡环体 clasp body74

卡环臂 clasp arm74

卡波西肉瘤 Kaposi sarcoma,KS75

可摘固位体 retrievable retainer75

可复性关节盘前移位 articular disc antedisplacement76

平衡? balanced occlusion77

皮角 cutaneous horn77

皮肤癌 carcinoma of facial skin78

皮脂腺瘤 adenorma sebaceum78

皮瓣移植 transplantation of flap79

皮管移植 skin tube transplant79

皮脂腺囊肿 sebaceous cyst80

丝状乳头 filamontous filiform papillae80

石骨症 marbie bone80

四环素染色牙 steclin teeth81

失活剂 inactivation agent82

生物调节器 bionator82

司匹氏曲线 Space curve82

未分化癌 undifferentiated carcinoma83

外斜嵴 exotropia crest83

外展隙 embrasure space83

外源性感染 exogenic infection83

永久性面神经麻痹 perrmanenf facial nerve paralysis84

主承托区 primary stress-bearing area84

正中裂 median cleft84

正常? normal bite85

正颌术 orthognathia85

正中囊肿 median cyst85

正颌外科 orthognathia surgery85

正中菱形舌 median diamond tongue86

正中平衡? centric balanced occlusion86

加力单位 powerunit87

头颅固定器 cepbalostat87

凹面型 concave profile87

凹陷畸形 depressed abnormal88


并发性?创伤 complication occlusion wound89

创伤血疱 trauma bloody bulla89

创伤溃疡 traumatic ulcer89

成釉细胞瘤 ameloblastoma89

成釉细胞纤维瘤 ameloblastic fibroma91

地图舌 map tongue91

多生牙 heterozone teeth92

多形红斑 erythema multiforme92

多形性腺瘤 plecmorphic adenoma93

动态约束力 dynamic force of restraint94

动脉式皮瓣 arteria flap94

动脉栓塞止血 arterial embolism hemostasia94

动脉瘤性骨囊肿 aneurysmal bone cyst95

耳屏 fragus95

耳颞神经 auriculotemporal nerve96

耳后动脉 posterior aurcular artery96

耳颞神经痛 temporomandibular neuralgia96

光化性唇炎 actinic cheilitis97

光化性角化病 actinic keratoses98

观测线 surveying line98

关节凹 articular fossa98

关节盘 articular disc99

关节囊 articular capsule99

关节韧带 articular ligaments100

关节盘穿孔、破裂 perforation of meniscus breakage100

关节囊扩张伴关节盘附着松弛 articular capsule articularis expansion with loosedisc101

汗腺癌 suboriferous cancer101

红斑 erthroplakia102

华氏位 Water position102

回力卡环 back action clasp102

交趾尖 harelip103

机械摩擦力 mechanical friction103

尖牙卡环 canine teeth clasp103

尖圆形牙弓 round eyetooth arch104

尖头并指综合征 acrocephalosyndactyly104

肌上皮瘤 myoepithelioma104

肌肉移植 muscle-grafting105

肌激动器 activator106

肌皮瓣移植 transplantation of myocutaneous flap106

肌源性错? myogenous patho-occlusion106

肌筋膜疼痛症 muscular fasciae myofascifis106

扩大牙弓 expansion of alveolar arch107

老年口腔医学 geriatric stomatology oral gerontology107

曲面体层摄影 pantomography108

舌 glossa/tongue108

舌癌 carcinoma of the tongue109

舌肌 lingualis109

舌痛 tongue ache110

舌板 hyoplastron110

舌骨 hyoid bone111

舌杆 lingual bar111

舌盲孔 tongue blind hole111

舌隆突 tongue carina111

舌系带 glossodesmus112

舌乳头 lingual papillae112

舌下腺 sublingual gland112

舌神经 lingual nerve112

舌动脉 lingual artery113

舌肌群 cluster of linguales113

舌下皱襞 sublingual cockle113

舌下肉阜 caruncula sublingualis114

舌乳头炎 lingual papillitis114

舌再造术 tongue rebuilding114

舌咽神经痛 glossopharyngeal neuralgia116

舌乳头萎缩 lingual papilla atrophy117

舌侧翼缘区 lingual flange area117

舌下间隙感染 hypoglossis infection117

舌异位甲状腺 ectopic thyroid118

色素斑痣 pigmented nevus119

伞皱襞 umbrella crowfoot cracks119

污染创口 contamination cut120

污染 contamination120

纤维瘤 fibroid120

吸附力 absorption121

血管瘤 hemangioma121

血友病 hemophilia121

血管肉瘤 angiosarcoma122

血外渗性囊肿 extravasation cyst122

血小板减少性紫癜 thrombocytopenia123

先天性缺牙 congenital toothless123

压迫止血 pressing hemostasis124

异体牙移植 allotransplantation of tooth124

再定位?垫 repositioning splint125

早期矫治 early correction125

自身感染 autogenic infecton125

托槽 bracket125

延伸卡环 extension clasp126

延期皮瓣 saliva flap126

延期愈合 extension coalescence126


补偿曲线 compensated curve127

初期愈合 incipient coalescence127

伯基特淋巴瘤 Burkitt lymphoma127

低温止血 low-temperature hemostasis127

附着体 attatchment128

附着龈 attached gingiva128

沟纹舌 grooved tongue128

杆形卡环 roach clasp129

含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst129

坏疽性口炎 stomatonecrosis130

坏疽性牙髓炎 gangrenous pulpitis130

坏死性龈口炎 necrotizing gingivosto130

坏死性涎腺组织化生 necrotizing sialom etaplasia131

局部皮瓣 partial flap132

匣形曲 box loop133

即刻义齿 Immediate denture133

间接盖髓术 indirect capping133

间接固位体 indirect retainer134

角化病 keratoma134

角化囊肿 odontogenic cyst134

角化棘皮瘤 keratocanthoma135

抗力形 force resistance136

免疫化疗 immunocthemotherapy136

连接体 connector137

连续卡环 continuous clasp137

邻间隙 interproximatespace137

邻位皮瓣 ortho-flap138

良性牙骨质母细胞瘤 benign cement oblastoma138

妊娠性龈炎 gingivitis of pregnancy138

妊娠性龈瘤 pregnancy epulis139

卵圆形牙弓 oval alveolar arch139

伸舌综合征 protrupior of the tongue syndrome140

声带 vocal cord140

声门爆破音 glottis eplosive140

体层摄影 tomography141

忒奈牙 undergrown tooth141

汤氏位 Towne position141

远位皮瓣 amphi flap141

医源性致癌 iatrogenic carcinogenic142

阻生牙 impacted tooth142

阻断止血 blocking hemostasis142

阻塞性腮腺炎 obstructive parotitis143

阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 obstractive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS144

扳机点 trigger zone144


拔牙矫治 exodoutia correction145

败血症 septicaemia145

表情肌 the muscles of expression145

表皮样囊肿及皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst146

侧方平衡? lateral balanced occlusion146

侧化语音 lateral dissolved sounds146

垂直曲 vertical loop147

垂直错位 vertical malposition147

垂直距离 vertical distance147

垂直张力曲 vertical tensive loop148

单纯疱疹 herpers simplex148

单臂卡环 one arm clasp148

单端固定桥 cantilever bridge149

单颌全口义齿 single complete denture149

肥大性龈炎 hypertrophic gingvitis149

非拔牙矫治 non-exodontia correction150

非龋性疾病 non-caries disease150

放线菌病 actinomycosis151

放射性涎腺炎 radioactive sialadenitis151

放射性颌骨骨髓炎 radioactive mandibular osteomyelitis152

固位形 retention152

固定义齿 fixed dental prosthesis153

固定固位体 retainer153

固定矫治器 fixed appliance153

固定-可摘联合桥 retention movable bridge154

环状软骨 cricoid155

茎突过长 tervical papilla mecism155

金属塑料联合全冠 united metal plastic full crown155

咀肌 masseter muscle156

咀嚼肌 masticatory muscles156

咀嚼肌力 mastication myotome157

咀嚼效率 mastication effect157

咀嚼肌群痉挛 spasm of masticatory muscle157

泪滴状曲 teardrop type bent158

美学 aesthetics158

轮廓乳头 vallate papillae159

欧米加曲 omega loop159

软骨瘤 chondroma159

软腭肌 soft palate muscles160

软骨移植 cartilage transplant160

软弹性?垫 soft resilient splint161

青春期龈炎 puberty gingivitis161

乳突 mastoid161

乳光牙 opalescene teeth161

乳牙? diciduous teeth bite162

乳牙早失 early loss of primary teeth162

乳牙下沉 primary teeth subsidence163

乳牙滞留 primary teeth merostaxis163

乳牙迟萌 slow eruption of primary tooth164

乳头状瘤 papilloma164

乳脱恒萌 dental praecox165

乳尖牙磨耗不足 deficient abrasion of primary teeth165

乳头状囊性癌 papillary cystadenocarcinoma166

松弛?垫 relaxation splint166

舍格伦综合征 Siogren syndrome166

始基囊肿 primordial cyst168

枢轴?垫 pivot splint168

味觉感受器 gustatory receptor169

味觉性出汗综合征 frey syndrome169

驼背畸形 bowing de-formity170

直接固位体 direct retainer170

直接盖髓术 direct capping171

直丝弓矫治器 straight archwire appliance171

枕动脉 occipital artery172

枕外隆凸 inion172


扁平苔癣 lichen planus173

残根龋 relic caries173

残髓炎 residual pulpitis173

重衬 rebasing174

毒血症 toxaemia174

带环 band174

带状疱疹 herpes zoster175

带圈垂直曲 vertical helical loop175

带圈水平曲 horizontal helical loop175

带蒂皮瓣移植 pedide flap transplant176

氟斑牙 dental fluorosis176

鬼怪骨 phantom bone176

冠周炎 pericoronitis176

冠外固位体 extra-coronal retainer177

冠内固位体 intra-coronal retainer177

骨瘤 osteoma178

骨移植 bone transplantation178

骨化性纤维瘤 ossifying fibroma179

骨巨细胞瘤 osteo-clastoma180

骨源性错? osteogenic patho-occlusion180

骨纤维异常增殖症 fibrous dysplasia181

活动矫治器 removable appliance181

哈钦森雀斑 Hutchinson freckle182

恒牙? permanent teeth bite182

恒牙列 permanent dentition182

恒牙早失 early loss of permanent tooth182

恒牙萌出顺序紊乱 disorder of permanent tooth sprout183

急性龋 acute caries183

急性滑膜炎 acute arthormeningitis184

绝对牙槽嵴成形术 absolute alveoloplasty184

结节病 sarcoidosis184

降压止血 hypertension hemostasis186

柯氏位 Caldwell position186

眉弓 geisoma186

逆行性牙髓炎 ascending pulpitis186

迷走神经 vagus nerve187

面横裂 horizontal cleft187

面神经 facial nerve188

面肌痉挛 facial spasm188

面裂囊肿 cyst of facial fissure188

面浅静脉网 shallow facial vein189

面深静脉网 deep facial vein189

面下颌发育不良征 mandibulofacial dysostosis189

前庭盾 vestibule190

前伸平衡? protrusive balanced occlusion190

神经移植 nerve grafting191

神经鞘瘤 neurilemmoma191

神经纤维瘤 nenrofibroma192

威格尔肉芽肿 Wegener granulomatosis193

胎传梅毒 syphilis from embryo193

咽喉摩擦音 guttur194

咽喉爆破音 guttural plosion194

咽旁间隙感染 paraphargneal infection195

药物止血 drug hemostasis195

药物过敏性口炎 drug allergy stomatitis196

咬合力 occlusion196

咬合面 occlusal surface196

咬合创伤 occlusion wound196

咬肌间隙感染 masseter infection196

狮面畸形 lion-like deformity197

种植固定桥 implant retention bridge197

修复前外科 preprosthetic surgery197

复合固定桥 compound retention bridge198

复发性关节脱位 recurrent abarticulation198

涎腺 sialisterium199

涎生牙 saliva teeth199

涎腺造影 sialisterium radiography200

涎腺导管癌 salivary duct carcinoma200

涎石 sialolithiasis201


部分冠 partial crown203

瓷全冠 porcelain full crown203

唇 lip204

唇弓 labial arch205

唇癌 carcinoma of the lip205

唇裂 harelip206

唇(面)裂畸形 harelip206

唇血管性神经水肿 cheiloanio nerve edema208

唇高线唇低线 bilabial lines209

倒钩卡环 reverse hook clasp209

调? adjustment of teeth cohesion209

恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma209

恶性混合瘤 malignant mixed tumor210

恶性肉芽肿 malignant granuloma212

根尖孔 apical open212

根管口 root-canal open213

根管充填 root-canal filling213

根尖刮治术 apical scaling213

根尖肉芽肿 apical granuloma213

根尖周囊肿 periapical cyst213

根尖周牙骨质结构不良 periapicalcemental dyspiasia214

海绵状血管瘤 cavernous hemangioma214

获得性畸形与缺损 acquired deformity and defect215

?垫 splint216

?力 bite force216

?支托 cocclusal rest217

?与咬合 occlusion and articulation217

?调位性?垫 occlusionlevel adjusting splint217

浆细胞肉瘤 plasma cell sarcoma218

脊副神经 spinal accessory nerve218

家族性颌骨肥大 familial cherubism218

继发性龋 secondary caries219

继发性咬合创伤 secondary occlusion wound219

烤瓷熔附金属全冠 porcelain-metal full crown219

埋伏牙 hidden tooth220

脓毒血症 septicepyemia220

缺铁性贫血 iron-deficiency anemia220

热化疗 thermochemotherapy221

热凝止血 thermoset hemostasis221

脑震荡 cerebral concussion221

脑挫裂伤 cerebral contrusion222

桥体 pontic connector222

胸导管 ductus thoracicus222

胸锁乳突肌 sternoc leidomastoid223

朗格汉斯细胞病 Langerhans cell disease223

剥脱性龈炎 desquamaive gingivitis224

铁氏位 Titterington position225

息止?位 deadtime bite225

息止?间隙 deadtime bite gap225

套筒冠 thimble225

消失骨 disappearing bone226

疼痛与痛觉 pain and algesia226

圆形卡环 circumferential clasp227

圆丝 round wire227

预防性放疗 preventive radiotherapy227

造釉器 amelogenic organ228

脂肪瘤 lipoma228

脂肪移植 fat-grafting228

流涎症 sialorrhea229


球状突 spherical process globular230

球上颌囊肿 globulo-maxillary cyst230

球菌性口炎 coccus stomatitis230

淀粉样变性 amylodosis230

断根术 apice ctomy231

副神经 accessory nerve232

副承托区 secondary stress-bearing area232

盖髓术 copping therapy232

焊媒 welding flux233

焊合金 solder alloy233

混合牙列 mixed dentition233

混合型卡环 mixed clasp233

基托 base plate234

基底细胞瘤 base cell tumor234

菌血症 bacteremia235

菌状乳头 fungus form papillae235

接触性口炎 contact stomatitis235

假声带 false vocal cord235

假性淋巴瘤 pseudolym homa235

假上皮瘤样增生 pseudoderm turmour form hyperplasia235

颈肌 cervical muscles236

颈丛神经 cervical plexus nerve236

颈总动脉 arteria carotis communis237

颈外动脉 external carotid artery237

颈内静脉 internal jugular vein238

颈外静脉 vena jugularis externa238

颈动脉结节 carotid tubercle239

眶下孔 foramen infraorbitale239

眶上切迹 supraorbital notch239

眶下神经 infraorbital nerve239

眶距增宽症 orbital hypertelorism240

眶下间隙感染 inferior orbital interval infection241

粒性白细胞缺乏症 granulocytosis241

淋巴管瘤 lymphangioma242

淋巴组织 lymphatic tissue243

颅底骨折 basis cranii fracture243

颅缝早闭症 craniosynostosis244

颅面裂隙畸形 craniofacial cleft245

颅底颌顶位 submentovertical position245

猫抓病 cat-scratch disease245

梅毒牙 syrhilitic teeth246

梅-罗综合征 M-L syndrome247

粘结固定桥 bond retention bridge247

粘液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma247

麻风 syphilis248

麻花丝 multistranded arcnwire249

萌出囊肿 eruption cyst249

盘状红斑狼疮 lupus erythematosus diacordes250

圈形卡环 ring clasp250

雀斑型恶性黑色素瘤 lentigo maligna melanoma250

深覆? deep over bite250

深覆盖 excessive over-iet251

唾液 ptysma251

停止性龋 stasis caries252

斜面裂 oblique facial cleft252

斜头畸形 plagiocephaly252

婴儿黑色素神经外胚瘤 melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy253

婴幼儿上颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of the maxilla inneonate or infants253

隐匿癌 hidden cancer254

眼耳平面 frankfort plane255

着色性干皮病 xeroderma pigmentosum255

铜绿假单胞菌 bacillus pyocyaneus256


嵌体 inlay257

短头畸形 brachycephaly258

喙突 coracoid proless258

缓冲区 relief area258

黑毛舌 black hairy tongue259

黑色素瘤 melanoma259

颌裂 cleft jaw260

颌下腺 submaxillary gland260

颌下三角 submandibular triangle261

颌内动脉 arteria maxillaris interna261

颌外动脉 arteria maxillaris externa261

颌骨结核 tuberculosis of the facial and jaw bones262

颌骨隆突 torus262

颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of the jaws263

颌下间隙感染 sumandibular infection263

颌骨上颌窦瘘 genyantrum fistula264

颌骨自身异常 abnormal jaw264

颌骨中心性血管瘤 central hemangioma of jaws264

筋膜移植 fascia-grafting265

颊肌 buccinator265

颊杆 cheek bar266

颊癌 cheek cancer266

颊脂垫尖 buccal fat267

颊间隙感染 cheek interval infection267

颏孔 mental foramen268

颏突 mental proccess268

颏棘 mental spine268

颏肌 mentalis268

颏部 chin268

颏舌肌 genioglossus268

颏下点 menton269

颏唇沟 chin labial groove269

颏舌骨肌 geniohyoid muscle269

颏下三角 chin triangle269

颏下间隙感染 under chin submandibular infection269

葡萄球菌 staphylococcus270

裂纹舌 fissured tongue270

联合卡环 combined clasp271

替牙? replacement teeth bite271

窝洞 cavity272

窝洞消毒 cavity disinfection272

温度感受器 musculus zygomaticus272

痛阈 pain threshold272

痛性抽搐 tic douloureux273

痛觉感受器 algesiroreceptor273

釉质龋 enamel caries273

釉质发育不全症 hypoplasia of enamel273

游离龈 free gingiva274

游离皮片移植 free skin transplant274

铸造金属全冠 cast metal full crown275

铸造陶瓷全冠 cast ceramic full crown276

鹅口疮 thrush276

链球菌 streptococcus276


触觉感受器 thigmo receptor278

锤造冠 forging full crown278

错? patho-occlusion279

腭 palate279

腭突 palate process279

腭杆 palatal bar280

腭板 palate plate280

腭皱 wrinkled palate280

腭裂 cleft palate280

腭癌 carcinoma of the hard palate281

腭穹隆 palate arch281

腭反射 palate reflex282

腭乳头 palatine papilla superior282

腭化构音 palatalized sounds282

腭再造术 palate rebuilding282

感染创口 infected cut284

感染性口炎 infectious stomatitis284

解剖式印模 anatomical stamp284

跨? scissors bite285

楔状缺损 wedge-shaped defect285

溶骨症 osteolysis286

畸胎瘤 teratoma287

畸形中央尖 central cusp deformity287

畸形性骨炎 osteitis deformity288

畸形舌侧窝、畸形舌侧沟 malformed lingual fossa289

塑料全冠 plastic full crown289

腮瘘 branchial fistula289

腮腺 parotid gland290

嗜酸粒细胞腺瘤 oncocytoma290

嗜酸性淋巴肉芽肿 eosinophilic lymphogranuloma290

睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 sleep apnea syndrome,SAS291

嗅窝 olfactory pit291

微波热凝止血 microwave thermoset hemostasia292

意外穿髓 contingent perforation of pulp chamber292

腺癌 adenocarcinoma292

腺细胞癌 acinic celladenocarcinoma293

腺性唇炎 adenoid cheilitis293

腺源性感染 gland-origin infection294

腺样囊性癌 adenoid cystic carcinoma294


鼻突 snout296

鼻底 basis nasi296

鼻唇沟 muffle296

鼻腭囊肿 nasopalatine cyst296

鼻唇囊肿 nasolabial cyst296

鼻额支柱 nose strut297

鼻翼耳屏线 nasal wing tragus line297

鼻根点与眉间点 nasion and ophryon297

磁性材料 magnet material297

磁力矫治器 magnet appliance297

锻丝卡环 forging thread clasp298

管状腺瘤 canalicular adenoma298

膜龈联合 mucogingival lina299

模型材料 model material299

模型观测器 surveyor299

蔓状血管瘤 plexlform hemangioma299

慢性龋 chronic caries300

慢性唇炎 chronic cheilitis300

慢性溃疡性牙髓炎 chronic ulcerative pulpitis300

慢性增生性牙髓炎 chronic hyperplastic pulpitis300

慢性闭锁性牙髓炎 chronic blocking caries301

酸蚀症 acid syndrome301

隧道式皮瓣 tunnel flap302

稳定性?垫 stabilization splint302

龈袋 gingival pocket302

龈乳头 gingival papilla302

龈沟液 gingival sulcus liguid303


横?曲线 horizontal curve304

镍钛合金丝 Ni-Ti wire304

颜面异常 facial abnormal305

额突 frontal process305

额外牙 supernumerary tooth305

摩擦力 friction305

蝶骨翼钩 sphenoidalia sulcus pterygoideus305

蝶腭神经痛 phenopalatine neuralgia306

暴发龋 fulminant caries306


寰椎横突肥大 atlantean centrum hypertrophy308

霍奇金病 Hodgkin's disease308

颞肌 temporal muscle309

颞浅动脉 superficial temporal artery309

颞下颌关节 remporomamdibular joint309

颞间隙感染 temporal infection310

颞颌关节侧位 schuller position310

颞下间隙感染 inferior temporal infection310

颞下颌关节内强直 temporomandibular joint inferior tetanus311

颞下颌关节外强直 temporomandibular joint external tetanus312

颞下颌关节紊乱综合征 temporomandibular joint disorders syndrome313

磨耗 attrition314

磨光材料 polished material314

磨牙后垫 retromolar pad315

磨牙后三角 back teeth triangle315

融合牙 fusion teeth315

糖尿病 diabetes315


癌胚抗原 carcinoma embryonic antigen,CEA317

髁状突 condyle317

髁状突破坏 destruction of condyle317

龋齿 dental caries318

鳃弓 visceral arch318

鳃裂囊肿 branchial cleft cyst319

翼点 pterion320

翼内肌 Internalpterygoid muscle320

翼外肌 external pterygoid mucle320

翼突支柱 pterygoid strut321

翼钩过长 nociceptive receptors321

翼上颌切迹 side maxillary cut322

翼下颌皱襞 pretygoma adibular322

翼外肌痉挛 later pterygoid couvulsion322

翼外肌功能亢进 ohyperfunction of lateral pterygoid muscle323

翼下颌间隙感染 pterygomandibular infection323

螺旋弹簧 coil spring324

黏膜 membrana324

黏膜黑斑 melanosis of cral mucosa325


颤动线 vibrating line326


鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma327

鳞癌细胞抗原 Squamous cell carcinoma antigen,SCCA327


髓腔 medullary cavity328

髓室 pulp chamber328

髓顶 roof of pulp chamber328

髓底 floor of pulp chamber328

髓角 pulp horn329

髓石 denticle329


颧弓 zygoma330

颧突 cheekbone330

颧肌 musculus zygomaticus330

颧额支柱 cheek strut330

颧弓位片 zygoma X-ray331


Apert综合征 Apert syndrome332

Angle分类法 Angle classification332

Angle第一类错? Angle class Ⅰ-neutroclusion333

Angle第二类错? Angle class Ⅱ-distoclusion333

Angle第三类错? Angle class Ⅲ-mesioclusion333

Begg细丝矫治技术 Begg correction technique334

Crouzon综合征 Crouzon syndrome334

Herbst矫治器 Herbst appliance335

T形曲 T loop335

Treacher-Collins综合征 Treacher-Collins syndrome336

Twin-Block矫治器 Twin-Block applianc336

Tip-Edge差动直丝弓矫治技术 Tip-Edge differential337

X线头影测量 cephalometric roentgenography337

